About Me

What to say...

This is me (with bangs...)!

My name is Stefani, I'm married to a wonderful guy named Eric, have a daughter named Josephine (who just turned 2) and another daughter due January 13th whose name is...top secret. Most of my family's happenings can be found on this blog here.

I started Barefoot Adventures when I began selling Barefoot Books, back in September 2013. I realized that I love children's literature, early childhood education, and being a parent, so why not have a little blog about it? I keep it separate from the family blog, because let's be honest - outside of my parents and siblings, who really reads that stuff? (Although my family is pretty cool, not gonna lie.)

Anyways...my hope is to write about things that inspire my readers to read to their children, teach their children, and love their lives as parents (or parents-to-be). I am so blessed to be a stay-at-home mom and I love sharing the learning experiences I have along the way.

I also love making new friends, so if you want to chat...check out my contact page! All my social media links are there and I'd love to get to know you and talk about just about anything.