When I first became a parent, one of the few things I knew was that I wanted my daughter to love reading. Before she was even born, she had a healthy library of board books, which I tried to read to her every night from the get-go. I researched books and read about which were the best. I found books I remembered loving as a kid, and bought as many as I could. As soon as she was old enough, I started taking her on weekly trips to the library. I was a tad bit obsessed.
It was at the library that we first discovered Barefoot Books. We checked out a couple of their CDs and Josie loved dancing to the music. I had to learn more, so I went over to their website and very quickly fell in love. When I found out that I could work for them, I got a little more excited. I ordered an inquiry packet and...forgot about it. Because life is crazy, you know?
A few weeks later, I got an adorable package in the mail. Inside was a catalog, some pamphlets, and...a book! I was almost as excited as Josie was. We immediately sat down to read the book together and have had many, many dance parties to the CD that came with it.
As soon as I read through the catalog (yes, I read through it), I knew that this was a company I wanted to get involved with. And now I am! Truth be told, I'm a little bit scared, because sales aren't exactly my area of expertise, but I am so excited about the product, I figured I'd give it a try. :-)
So, here are the fun details of this whole thing...
Mondays on the blog are "Barefoot Books" day. I'll share fun products, sales, and maybe a giveaway once in a while. The other days of the week will be devoted to talking about childhood literacy, teaching cultural awareness, parenting, and other fun stuff. I'm not about to bury my lovely readers in ads, don't you worry. :-)
There are lots of ways to get involved! If you live in the Spokane/Coeur D'Alene area, you can...
- Host a playgroup or story time - we'll hang out, read Barefoot Books and eat good food, plus hosts get 15-20% of total sales at their party in free product.
- Arrange a fundraiser for your school, workplace, or a cause you love - all you do is contact me, and I take care of the planning! 20% of proceeds go to whatever we're fundraising for.
- Have a one-on-one meetup where I come over to your house with a bag of books to look at. I'm also happy to leave a bag of books "on loan" for a week, so you can share them with your family and see what you might be interested in.
If you're not in this area, you can still get involved!
- I would love to get involved with some bloggers for giveaways to promote this new adventure
- You can still host an online fundraiser - all online purchases would count towards your cause, and the 20% donation still stands.
- I will be starting a newsletter next month, which will send news about new stuff - both on the blog and in Barefoot Books land. By signing up for the newsletter, you also qualify for a 20% off coupon during the month of your birthday! You can sign up for that here.
- Anyone can become a Barefoot Ambassador! Just email me for more information and I'll tell you all about it.
I'm so excited for this new endeavor and I can't wait to share it with family and friends, as well as to get to know lots of new people. These books are fantastic - if they weren't, I would not be stepping out of my comfort zone to sell them, trust me.
PS: If you want to follow Barefoot Adventures in other places, here's the contact info -
Twitter - Coming Soon!
Follow my blog with Bloglovin
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